What areas do your reports cover?

We cover Vancouver, West & North Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster, Coquitlam, Port Moody, Port Coquitlam, Pitt Meadows, Maple Ridge, Mission, Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Langley, Aldergrove, Surrey, White Rock, Delta, Ladner, Richmond, Squamish & Whistler

If I become a member, what is included?

All memberships are all inclusive – all areas and both Residential and Commercial permit reports. You will also have access to the past 12 months PDF Archives.

Do you provide free samples?

We do not provide free samples.

What format do the Reports come in?

The Permit Reports are published weekly in both PDF and EXCEL formats. Once the new week is posted, the past week will go into the Archived section of our website. 12 months of PDF Archives are available with every membership. Archives beyond the free 12 months are available as an add-on to your membership in both formats.

How many users can be on our membership?

Unlimited users within your branch office

What happens if I share information?

You paid for the membership, the information is meant for your use only. If you share information from our website with someone that is not an employee within your company/branch office that holds the membership, your account will be cancelled without a refund.

My access codes are not being accepted

Check to make sure your username is ‘lower case – with no spaces’.

It could be that your membership may have expired. Contact our office to renew and we will get you back in the system.

I forgot my password

Contact our office and we will supply you with your access codes

Can I change my access codes?

Contact our office if you wish to change your access codes. It’s always a good idea to change codes if an employee with access leaves your office.

I did not receive my weekly notification email

If you are not receiving your weekly email notifications, check your spam / bulk bin. If you do not find it there, contact our office at info@confacts.ca to verify we have your correct email address.

How many email addresses can I add to the weekly notification list?

You can add up to five emails to our weekly notification list. Should these emails change at any time, please contact our office and let us know.

How do I opt out of receiving weekly emails?

Contact our office and we will remove you from our list.

Do I need the weekly email in order to access the current week’s permit reports?

No, the email is simply a notification that the newest permits have been uploaded and are ready to view. You can access the permits at any time through the main page member’s login.

When I click on the email link I only see the past week’s reports, not the new ones

It could be that your computer is retaining cookies from the previous week. Logging in again through the main page instead of using the link may correct this.

I missed last week’s permits

If you missed any of the past week’s permits, they are placed in the archived section of our website in PDF. Should you require the permits in EXCEL for any weeks missed during your membership period, contact our office and we will send them by email – as long as you are a current member. Once your membership expires you no longer have access to reports missed.

Why do some areas have more contact info than others / Why is there no construction value indicated for some areas?

Due to the ‘Personal Information Protection Act’, many Municipalities are opting to leave out information such as contact name / phone numbers from the Building Permits which they deem personal. Each Municipality treats this differently. At ConFacts, we endeavour to publish ALL information available to us, and we realize that telephone numbers, addresses and emails are an important feature to making those valuable contacts. Therefore, once the information is obtained from City Hall, we then spend countless hours researching to find further contact info.

Can the permit reports be printed?

Permits are available for viewing in both PDF & EXCEL formats. The PDF version is best for printing purposes.

I’ve paid for my membership, how long will it take receive my user name and password?

Once we have been notified of payment, we will follow up with a welcome email containing access codes – usually within about 15 minutes.

Can I choose my own password?

Access codes will be provided to you by email once we have been notified of payment received.

Why is your service so cheap?

We are proud to say that the cost of a membership had not increased for over 18 years, until recently. We have tried to keep costs affordable while making all memberships all inclusive.

Is your web site mobile friendly?


Are permit addresses linked to Google Maps?

Yes, all reports provide a Google Map link to the construction location

Do you provide older / past permit reports?

12 months of PDF Archives are available free with every membership. Archives beyond the 12 free months are available as an add-on to your membership in both EXCEL (6 month sets) and PDF (12 month sets) formats. Please refer to the Archives section once you become a member.

How long has ConFacts been Publishing building Reports?

Since 1994